Monday, September 28, 2009


Boy is it windy outside! Fall is officially here it seems. I love to see the leaves changing color, but hate to see them fall off...sigh. Not much I can do about that though! I'd better turn my thoughts to gratitude before I get too depressed about the change in scenery.

I am thankful for:

Eric: My brother. He is 12 years older than me, so we have a different relationship than many siblings do. But what is so neat about my brother is that he always has taken an interest in my life, despite our big age gap. He played with me as a kid, he took me to movies, he always made me feel special. One of my favorite memories is going into his room and listening to him play the guitar. He'd always play and sing silly songs to make me laugh. He's a great cook, so intelligent, and a happy, hard working guy. I'm so glad I have him for a brother!

Emily: While I'm on the E-names, I have to give thanks for my wonderful friend. She was my roomate during seminary, and she was the perfect roomie and friend. I have so many good memories with her and I am so glad that we are still good friends.

Energy: To light up our homes. To turn on this computer. To fly planes and drive cars so that we can go visit the people we love. To get out of bed, to walk around, to do work. To enjoy all the blessings that God has given us. To use our talents to serve God and others.

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