Monday, June 9, 2008

I'd like a table for 945,874, 291,385,257...and counting

I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you that I love communion. I think it is one of God's miracles. To think that Jesus is present for us so easily in this way, and that he is present for all people who come to his table, is beyond understanding. But I know that it's true because I have felt him there. When I eat that flimsy little wafer (or more preferrably, that little tasty piece of bread) and I take a sip of wine, I know that God is with me. I can feel myself change on the inside.

Another thing that I love about communion is that it connects us to ALL other Christians. Christians in Grafton and Cedarburg, in Michigan, Connecticut, Brazil, Tanzania, Nicaragua, India...we are connected to Christians everywhere, all over the world, when we eat and drink at this table. We eat with young and old, black and white, republican and democrat...the list goes on and on. At God's table, we are even connected with those who are sharing the eternal feast with Christ in Heaven. That can be some comfort to know that those we miss so much are with us when we eat this meal.

Sometimes when I take communion I think about the people who have meant so much to me on my faith journey. I think about the congregation where I grew up in Lockport, IL, about my internship congregation in Saint Louis, about my "Soul Sister" friends from camp, my old pastors and professors who helped shape my faith, and of course, my mom and dad. It strengthens me to know that I am "surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses" (Hebrews 12:1). We can cheer each other on as we run together toward Jesus, "the pioneer and perfecter of our faith." Thanks be to God for this gift of communion through time and space!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. Each year I do a service for World Communion Sunday emphasizing the diversity of people at God's table. Your post has energized me for this task this year.