Thursday, January 3, 2008

A journey to Stephen Orlando's homeland...

Next week I will be at Stephen Ministry training in Orlando, Florida. Yes, that's right...your pastor makes HUGE sacrifices for you! :)

All kidding aside, I anticipate this being an intense and enriching experience. I have shared with some of you that my mom was trained as a Stephen Leader. She left for 2 weeks (they have since shortened the training) when I was 14. It was really hard for me to have her gone for so long, and I ended up spraining my ankle while she was away. I could hardly wait for her to get home!

When the day finally arrived, I was so excited and so was she- but for a different reason. She walked in the door a different woman than when she had left. She was on fire in a way I had never seen her before. She talked and talked about the new ministry, what she had learned, and how amazing the program was. It really made an impression on me about how important sharing Christ's love with others was for her. Parents- take note!

When I learned that Grace had a Stephen Ministry program, I was thrilled! Caring for each other in a Christian way is certainly not only up to the pastor, though it is a part of my job I love. God has gifted so many of you with that ability as well. Thank you to all who make time for this. Also, to allow ourselves to receive care from another is hard for us. I pray that when you need it, you allow the hands of a Stephen Minister to reach out to you.

As many of us are aware, our brother in Christ Ray Johnson died this week. Ray was a Stephen Minister, one who shared Christ's love through this ministry and made all those around him smile with his sharp sense of humor. He will be missed!

I will be praying for you all this week and thinking about how I can better serve you. Please pray for me as I travel and learn about Stephen Ministry.

God's peace be with you!


Anonymous said...

Pastor Heidi,

Just wanted to say have a wonderful and safe trip. I have enjoyed your entries and love reading about your Good News. I look forward to reading about your experiences and insight. It is a refreshing reminder that we all are disciples on this journey. Peace, John Conto

mom murken said...

Dear Heidi,

I didn't know I left such an impression on you when I came home. I wish I could be there when you come home. You'll just have to share with me later.
