Thursday, December 6, 2007

God's Presence

In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being
Denise Levertov

Birds afloat in air's current,
sacred breath? No, not breath of God,
it seems, but God
the air enveloping the whole globe of being.
It's we who breathe, in, out, in the sacred,
Leaves astir, our wings
rising, ruffled- but only the saints
take flight. We cower
in cliff-crevice or edge out gingerly
on branches close to the nest. The wind
marks the passage of holy ones riding
the ocean of air. Slowly their wake
reaches us, rocks us.
But storm or still,
Numb or poised in attention,
we inhale, exhale, inhale,
encompassed, encompassed.

This is one of my favorite poems. I first read it in a book a friend put together for me before I studied abroad for a semester in college. I guess I like it because I have always been fascinated by the wind- how you can feel it and hear it (or at least the sound it causes whatever it blows by to make) but you can't see it.

This poem was a comfort to me when I was living in another country and nothing was familiar. Remembering that God was with me, as close as the air I breathe, was so helpful. Being "encompassed" by God with each breath, letting the Spirit (also translated as "breath" in Hebrew) come into our bodies...thinking of our relationship with God in this way puts things in a new light. Rather than God being someone we call out to from another place, God is a presence as near to us as air. God is here whether we recognize it or not, supporting us, filling us, and moving us in ways we can't see but we can feel.

What is the Spirit doing in your life these days? Is it a light breeze, a strong gust, warm, is God present for you?


sanw said...

The wind is a very comforting sound for me. In the spring/summer when the leaves are on the trees, the rustling seems to call, "Look at the wonderful thing God has done for me! Look at me!" And in the winter when the same tree's branches are moving in the wind I see what supports those lovely leaves in the other seasons. I can see both the thin brances that support the leaves and the thick trunks that support the thin branches. God sends so many different people to support me in different ways - some stronger than others - but still there for me. God sends so many reminders that he is with us - brilliant sunrises and sunsets, a sparkling drop of dew on the grass or a flower, the beautiful individual snowflakes, the smile on a child's face, the warm feel of a hug. How do people who don't know/accept God ever make it through a day?

Anonymous said...

The wind is blowing quietly today.
Too quiet; and I want to make something happen.

Then I recall the wind when sailing.
Beating upwind, when a fresh breeze is blowing
I can feel the wind and it feels strong.
The sails are full.
I know at what points to tack and to jibe.
The sailing is exciting and exhilarating.

But going downwind is hard.
The wind feels light, and it is difficult to sense its direction.
The sails are baggy.
I must look at the telltales to find the wind.
A gentle hand is needed on the tiller.
The sailing is peaceful.

Today the wind is quiet.
And I must remain quiet to recognize its presence.