Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, Monday

Here it is...Monday! Most pastors take Mondays as their days off. Not me- I take Friday. This is partly because I like to have more time to work on my sermon before Thursday evening worship, and partly because I like having Fridays off! It means that sometimes I kind of get a weekend.

However, it means that I work Monday. And I'm beginning to understand why many pastors take Monday off. I'm tired after Sunday, especially after a Sunday like yesterday where I started working at 7 am and didn't finish until 8 pm. No joke. Pastors have strange schedules.

But I do think that we aren't any different than anyone else in that there just never seems to be enough time in the day or week. Can I get an Amen? (I was at All People's in Milwaukee yesterday! I love this- I might start using it in my sermons so look out!!!)

There are so many things vying for our attention, scattering us into many directions, asking that we be in 3 places at once. It's hard to find breathing space. It's hard to focus on what gives us life.

How do you find your breathing space? Do you find it?


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Heidi;
Interesting. This was in my emails this morning:
The article, while it is focused on Pastors,it has some very good ideas and suggestions for everyone. But I wonder how many people would or could dedicate one day out of the week for sabbath?
Maybe one day of the month? It would be a day to look forward to but I think we need the benefits of renewal more often.
However, that half hour, hour or 15minutes in the morning, afternoon or evening can be provide some breathing room. Some time for renewal.
My best time is at the lunch break. Step out of the office. And when the weather is warm, head over to a park on the Milwaukee River. A peaceful time; no distractions; watch the deer go through the yards on the other side of the river. A great time to be take a breather.

Traveling Mercies said...

thanks don! i read that article from the alban institute- awesome! i love that quote from parker palmer at the end! taking care of ourselves is so important and does honor God!

your lunch break spot sounds so nice! what a great idea.