Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lord of Healing

Lord of my greatest fear:
Let in your peace.

Lord of my darkest shame:
Let in your grace.

Lord of my oldest grudge:
Let in your forgiveness.

Lord of my deepest anger:
Let in your love.

Lord of my loneliest moment:
Let in your presence.

Lord of my truest self- my all:
Let in your fullness.

~Adapted from a pryer by Alison Pepper, England.

In my most extreme experiences is often when I feel closest to or furthest away from God. When I'm really happy I feel God pouring through my veins. When I am really upset, I cry or yell to God- where are you? But when that happens, I always feel an answer come soon after. After my darkness, my fear, my loneliness, my grudges, my shame- after those times when my true self comes out in it's most vulnerable (and sometimes awful) form, I feel God coming in. I wake up at peace. I wake up and it's a gorgeous, bright sunny day. I feel forgiven. I feel loved. This is how I know God is real.


Hot Cup Lutheran said...

god... someone seems to know when we need what... but sometimes there's a wait involved in delivering it... maybe god knows when we need what. or maybe i don't know what...

but i like the quote alot... very true. very windy here... makes it feel like october not february... brrr!

Anonymous said...

Pastor Heidi, Thank you for this healing prayer. I think we need to remind ourselves of God's healing grace every day, esp. this time of year, when the last blasts of winter are yet to come, and we can be so tired of the cold and snow. I took a few minutes today to watch the snow and ice MELT, and it helped to WARM my heart.