Monday, December 1, 2008

Preparing the way

The branches outside my window are bowed down with snow. Beautiful, clean, white snow. I love to see it on the trees. On the road, it's another story!

Slipping and sliding, long commutes, taking careful steps as we walk on the sidewalk. It's that time again. The last couple of mornings I've been woken by the snow plows and snow blowers, clearing the roads and the sidewalks so that I can get out and about.

The snow makes Christmas seem even closer. We've entered the season of Advent and our theme at Grace is "preparing the way." As the snow is cleared off the road and my usual decorations are cleared to make way for my Christmas decorations, I am thinking about how I am going to clear out my heart this year so that Jesus can have the best spot, with the least clutter.

What are the "slippery" spots in my life? What are the things that "jam it up" so that God isn't able to get through? These are things I will be thinking and praying about today. I hope you will join me in preparing the way for Jesus today and in the days to come.

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